Welcome to Dog Talk! This is a place for fans of Dogland Park, and owners of all SL Dogs to chat, and/or ask questions about their virtual dogs.

Chat should remain limited to the topic of SL dogs and pets, or Dogland Park. Lewd, or inappropriate chat will result in user being blocked from this chat room.

Your responses have been overwhelming - Keep the notes coming!

Contact any of the Dogland Staff in World: SweetBabe1A Lusch, Danny06 Aya, Pixie Sparrowtree, Talia Vilas, Willow Broderie, or Vitolo Rossini.

OR.... for general contact, and fast help - send to: virtualdogtalk@cox.net

A reminder: This contact form is for requests for dogs, and dog help. Many are sending messages "venting" hostility toward the maker of some virtual dogs. We are not connected the dog creators any way except to support you, the owners of the dogs that they sell. If you need to express  discontent, you can go to: http://dogscomplaintline.yolasite.com/

Contact Us

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